Out in Front – Making the New Standards Matter

Out in Front – Making the New Standards Matter

Throughout 2020, Ansell Strategic Operations Team will be releasing regular newsletters focusing on operational challenges we are recognising across the sector. We will explore the intent of each Standard and consider the issues faced by providers, and how to overcome them. We will also share examples of best practice and innovation.

In this edition of Out In Front, Ansell Strategic considers the need for aged care services in Australia to move beyond the Aged Care Quality Standards. We explore how the intent of the Standards must be understood in order to interpret them and translate their intent into aged care practice.

There  is  mounting  data  to  evidence  the  magnitude  of  providers who  are  struggling  to  comprehend  and  practice  in  a  way  that aligns with regulatory and consumer expectations and standards. These Standards should be the baseline, not the benchmark. Understanding the intent of the new Standards is critically important to delivering care and services which comply with them. The  older population  are  experiencing  greater  complexities  and  higher  acuity  levels  than  in  the  past  and  the  new Standards recognise this. Differing from the Standards of the past, they do not prescribe a one-size fits all approach but a flexible assessment and care delivery approach built around each individual person and their needs. Understanding this, we recognise that using the pre-July 2019 care delivery frameworks will not, and is not working.

You can read more in our report.